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MekaTweaker Mod (1.12.2) – Mekanism Gas and Infuser Type
Mekanism adds it’s fair share of chemicals, which you must have encountered while playing with it: Gases, Infuse Types, Pigments, and Slurries. MekaTweaker Mod (1.12.2) is a CraftTweaker add-on for adding Mekanism Gas and Infuser Type.
Gas a created with mods.mekatweaker.GasFactory
There are 2 methods to create a gas :
1) From an existing fluid :
import mods.mekatweaker.GasFactory; import mods.mekatweaker.Gas; var gas = GasFactory.createFromFluid(<liquid>); gas.register();
2) From scratch :
#loader mekatweaker import mods.mekatweaker.Gas; import mods.mekatweaker.GasFactory; var helium3 = GasFactory.createGas("helium3"); helium3.setIcon("blocks/helium3"); helium3.register();
Note that #loader mekatweaker is required.
You have a lot of method for modifying a gas :
Name of the gas:
gas.getUnlocalizedName() : String
gas.setUnlocalizedName(String) : void
Color (use in Mekanism GUI and pressurized pipes):
gas.getColor() : int
gas.setColor(int) : void
gas.isColorize() : boolean
gas.setColorize(boolean) : void
Create a liquid from gas (default: false):
gas.needFluid() : boolean
gas.setNeedFluid(boolean) : void
Create a bucket from liquid (default: true):
gas.needBucket() : boolean
gas.setNeedBucket(boolean) : void
Icon & IconFlowing (for liquid when place in the world):
gas.setIcon(string) : void
gas.setIconFlowing(string) : void
Register the gas:
gas.register() : void
Naming a gas:
MekaTweaker create a folder “resources/mekatweaker/lang/” in your modpack.
You will find a lang file (default en_us.lang) where you can add localized name like that :
gas.<unlocalized_name>=Gas Name
For our example, it would be :
Declaring texture for fluid create from gas:
You will find a file fluids.json into resources/mekatweaker/blockstates/
It already contains 2 examples:
{ "forge_marker": 1, "variants": { "example_fluid": { "model": "forge:fluid", "custom": { "fluid": "example_fluid" } }, "example_fluid_2": { "model": "forge:fluid", "custom": { "fluid": "example_fluid_2" } } } }
You have to change example_fluid or example_fluid_2 or add more with the unlocalized name of your gas
{ "forge_marker": 1, "variants": { "helium3": { "model": "forge:fluid", "custom": { "fluid": "helium3" } } } }
Then you need to place your textures in the right folder, it is defined by the setIcon() and setIconFlowing() method.
For our example, you need to add an textures in the folder resources/mekatweaker/textures/blocks/ named “helium3.png“
Infuser Type
It is the extra item that you add in the infuser like the redstone/diamond/carbon/etc
There are 4 steps for adding a new type:
1) Create the type
You must create a new zenscript file with a custom loader :
#loader mekatweaker
Then you can use the InfuserType :
#loader mekatweaker mods.mekatweaker.InfuserType.addType("EMERALD");
2) Adding items that will be accept for filling type gauge
Must be in a script file without the custom loader
mods.mekatweaker.InfuserType.addTypeObject(<minecraft:emerald>, "EMERALD", 10);
Parameters :
– The item is an IIngredient.
– EMERALD is your new types
– 10 is a quantity the item add into the machine (redstone add 10, compressed redstone add 80)
3) Add a texture
You can add a texture in the folder :
in our example, it would be resources/mekatweaker/textures/blocks/infuse/emerald.png
4) Add a name
In the lang file (resources/mekatweaker/lang/en_us.lang), add this line :
infuse.<name>=<Name display>
Example :
Next you can add your own recipes into the Metallurgic Infuser like this :
mods.mekanism.infuser.addRecipe("EMERALD", 10, <minecraft:iron_ingot>, <minecraft:nether_star>);
How to install:
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For Minecraft 1.12.2
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